Anti Estrogens til salg online
Efter at have taget et forløb af Steroider skal mange atleter tænke på at genoprette deres krop. Vi forstår alle, at ved hjælp af stærke stoffer påvirker vores hormonsystems ydeevne. Indtagelsen af ethvert anabolsk steroid er i stand til at påvirke en ændring i funktionen af en atlets krop. Men nogle stoffer anses for at være blødere, mens andre er ekstremt kraftfulde. Det er trods alt ikke realistisk at opnå vægtige indikatorer i væksten af muskelmasse og styrke på svage anabolske lægemidler. Det er derfor, de fleste af os tyer til stærke stoffer. I dette tilfælde er det vigtigste ikke at glemme genopretningsprocessen.
Anti-østrogener er lægemidler, der tages sammen med en cyklus af stærke Steroider, eller under post-cyklus terapi, for at reducere den side Virkninger forbundet med steroid brug.
Hvad er PCT?
Post-cyklus terapi (forkortet til PCT) er processen med at genoprette syntesen af kroppens egne gonadotrope hypofysehormoner (FSH og LH) og testosteron, blodsammensætning og leverstatus. Oftest produceres kun de to første genstande, og sammensætningen af blod og lever negligeres.
Post-cycle therapy after Steroider is necessary at the end of any kursus, because even such a weak drug as Oxandrolone, in a couple of months, reduces the production of the body’s natural testosterone by almost twice. The intake of exogenous testosterone drops gonadotropic hormones to zero in 4-5 weeks, and short esters of Trenbolone and Nandrolone can reduce testosterone almost to zero in a few weeks. Chorionic gonadotropin also very strongly inhibits the production of FSH and LH, after several injections they also decrease almost to zero.
What are the main preparations used for PCT?
Clomid is not an anabolic steroid, it is more precisely used in medicine for the treatment of certain diseases. It is actually called Clomiphene Citrate and is used widely by athletes after a steroid kursus. The drug has a good effect on the production of natural testosterone and is not a possessor of high toxicity. It should be applied after the kursus, and the period of the anvendelse af Steroider determines the timing of the onset of PCT.
Tamoxifen is exactly the same as Clomid. It does not apply to anabolic drugs and is used in medicine to treat certain serious diseases. Athletes use this drug after a kursus, but less often than Clomid. This is due to its increased toxicity and weaker influence on the recovery of the natural production of testosterone, but the anti-estrogenic effect is clearly present.
Anastrozole is used to prevent gynecomastia, increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood plasma, give the muscles definition and venousness (by leveling the virkning af female sex hormones), minimize the virkning af estrogens on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. Anastrozole is the most powerful anti-aromatase drug, one might say “heavy artillery”. And if you throw it into battle, you need to be completely confident in your actions.
Exemestane is similar to Anastrozole but less commonly used. It belongs to the class of aromatase inhibitors and is used directly on the AAS kursus. Its main task is to suppress the activity of the aromatase enzyme.
Cabergolin er en blokering af prolaktinproduktionen. Lægemidlet er uundværligt til kursus ved hjælp af Steroider såsom: Nandroloner og Trenboloner, alle deres estere. Et øget niveau af prolaktin medfører mange bivirkninger, såsom lav libido, derfor er cabergolin meget vigtigt i post-cyklusbehandling.