Der er ingen tvivl om, at steroider er de mest effektive midler til steroidcyklusser , hvis deres modtagelse sker intelligent og logisk. Dette tyder på, at atleten følger visse regler. Det er vigtigt at opdele modtagelsen af Steroid i cyklusser. De fleste forstår under steroidcyklussen en 10 til 12 ugers anvendelse af et enkelt lægemiddel eller en enkelt kombination af 2 til 3 steroider med en enkelt samme lang pause. Denne form for modtagelse i forhold til store og langvarige resultater giver ikke meget mening, for under en lang pause fordamper en væsentlig del af tæthederne og bøjet styrke og muskelmasse.
Grunden til, at atleter vælger denne særlige modtagelsesordning, er, at forskellige samfundskredse siger, at Steroid kun holder i flere uger, og at de tages oftere end to gange om året, øger faren for organiske skader. Med hensyn til en begrænset eksponeringsperiode skal det siges, at hvis dette virkelig var tilfældet, nutidens store bodybuildingstadig ville være på niveau med tredive år siden. Hvad angår det andet udsagn, dvs. faren for organiske skader, lad mig fortælle dig, at med sådan en advarsel ville der ikke være flere professionelle fra bodybuilding, for de ville være uddøde for længe siden. Derudover er det allerede blevet en kendsgerning, at den non-stop anvendelse af steroider af ambitiøse steroidcykler atleter er en vane og giver gode resultater, som er nemme at forstå ved at se på billeder i forskellige bodybuilding-magasiner. Og hvis en atlet, for eksempel 24 år gammel, allerede er en international mester i sport og har en god muskulær fysik, er det klart, at han allerede har en lang, næsten uafbrudt erfaring i tage Steroider .
Under the meaningful cyclic anvendelse af anabolic / androgenic steroids, numerous successive drug regimens are considered, tage into account the particularities of tage each individual steroid and the goal of each individual athlete, as well as the quality of the steroid taken. It should start with relatively low dosiss and increase them slowly and gradually in order to maintain positive s nynitrogen balance in the muscle cell. Because oral Steroider show their effect for several days, but at the same time they cause a fairly rapid saturation of the receptors, their administration is limited to 6 to 8 weeks, and then ends their use or switch to another (oral) steroid. It turned out that a kombination af 2 to 3 Steroider in moderate dosiss is not only much more effective, but also guarantees a longer period of exposure, as if only one steroid is taken in high dosages.
Thanks to correctly selected combinations, a synergistic effect is achieved if the athlete is able to select Steroider that exert a different influence on strength, general musculature, body tissues and rest. A combination that meets these requirements would be, for example, combining deca-durbolin as an anabolic- acting basic steroid for dd , sustanone as a rest stimulator and the entire musculature and oxandrolone to raise bodily strength. Stimulation of different types of receptors for a limited period of time steroid cycles will give better results. The synthesizing virkning af drugs may persist for more than a few months if the steroid combination changes completely within a period of not more than 8 weeks if the athlete combines stronger, mainly androgenic cycles with weaker , predominantly anabolic ones, and if the dosiss are constantly differentiated.
Slow and systematic reduction of the dosis at the end of the cycle helps to normalize the body’s functions and prepare it for a pause in the anvendelse af drugs. The programs of the reception given in the book are examples of how athletes use Steroider, considering all these factors. But the reader should not perceive these data not as advice, nor as suggestions, and by no means as a guide to the use of anabolic androgenic steroids.
These programs are just some of the examples that athletes use. Due to the huge number of steroid preparations, there are numerous reception schemes. There are also huge differences with respect to the dosiss given. Only one will smile sadly at the sight of these dosiss, the other will never dare at such relatively high dosiss. Some do not have enough money to spend something like that. For many, these examples will immediately become impossible because combat core jim smith of the inaccessibility of the drugs. In one, immunity, intolerance to injections or health features that do not allow them to be used, or a gynecological predisposition ( for exampleat women) does not allow to accept this or that preparation. But what an athlete should not do is to take one example and, without steroid cycles critically examining himself, use it without regard for one’s health, and if such someone already used, this does not mean that it will suit you. Try to learn something from this book in order to properly translate what you read into yourself.
Anvendelsen af anabolske / androgene steroider – dette er især tilfældet og forsøger at fremme succes gennem trial and error. Nogle finder ret hurtigt passende stoffer, kombinationer og doser til sig selv, og så bliver de konstant overholdt, mens andre finder sig selv (ofte skuffede) i søgesteroidcyklusserne efter Steroiders magiske formel.